Now that I have come to the very end of my assignment I have decided to evaluate the process as a whole. As you can see I have been previously evaluating at the end of each section however I think it would be appropriate to look and compare these three sections. Within this blog post I will look at which was my favourite element but also which element I didn't enjoy quite so much. I will then look at which final product I am most proud of and why. I will also look at how I spent my time overall, whether I feel this was evenly or whether I think this could be improved. I will finally comment on how I feel about this assignment overall and whether I would do anything differently if I was to undertake this task again.
My favourite element of this assignment is the Photoshop phase. I really enjoyed working on this aspect of the assignment. As this was the first stage of the assignment I felt like I had a much freer reign over what I could produce and maybe this is why I enjoyed this so much. I was starting from a blank canvas. I really enjoyed all of the tools Photoshop offered and found these simply to use which allowed me to explore areas further. I love the colour scheme I have been able to create using Photoshop, and the way I have been able to keep this consistent across the board. I really like the fonts and the way this looks professional with the other elements on my DVD inlay. I feel this aspect has so many different elements and I am really pleased at how well these have all been brought together in one final piece. This leads me onto the aspect of this assignment which I didn't enjoy quite so much. This was the Illustrator element. I found this aspect much more tedious and after using the mass of tools which Photoshop has to offer I was disappointed with what Illustrator had to offer. I found Illustrator much harder to use and I now had to follow the previous colour and style scheme which I had created in Photoshop. I initially thought this would work fine as they are both Adobe products however this didn't work in the same way. The fonts I had used in Photoshop was then not available in Illustrator. This meant that I couldn't keep my design completely consistent. I did find another font which worked but was slightly different however I wasn't 100% happy with this. I was really happy with the logos which I had been able to create in Illustrator however overall I feel this is my weakest section. Based on all of this I am most proud of my Photoshop element. So far I haven't really mentioned Premiere. This is based on the fact that this was neither my favourite or least favourite element. I didn't mind using Premiere. I found elements which I really liked and then other elements which I wasn't so keen on. I found that this was quite an even balance for me. I am happy with my overall Premiere trailer however I feel it could have been improved slightly and hence this isn't my proudest element.
Looking at how I spent my time overall is quite difficult because I personally didnt see one aspect to be more important than another and hence I 'aimed' to split my time up evenly. That said the Premiere element is worth more than the other two so arguably I should be spending more time on this element. This didnt actually work in this way, I ended up spending much more time on the Photoshop than on Premiere. With Photoshop I spent alot of time perfecting the small elements rather than a specific aspect. I found that it was these small elements that always took so much longer than I had initially imagined and hence this timespan ran away with me. I think the Illustrator element took me the least amount of time. This was my least favourite element and maybe this reflects the time spent however I wasn't aiming to do this. I spent the most amount of time creating my second logo in Illustrator. I really enjoyed creating this and learning new techniques. The Premiere element of this assignment didn't take me the longest but it also wasn't the quickest element. I feel I probably spent just the right amount of time on this element. I was able to research into aspects which go above and beyond the specification as well as quickly hit all of the mandatory requirements. Looking at the assignment in broader terms I feel that I spent an equal amount of time on the blog and the practical aspects. At the beginning I felt that the blog would be the harder aspect of the assignment as I am not one to write everything down and hence this didn't excite me at all. Once I got into the blogging I began to enjoy it and found myself creating a pattern of working practically followed by a post to back this up. This system seemed to work as I was then able to cover all aspects without missing elements. In terms of the marks for this it would maybe suggest that I should have spent more time on the practical elements however I found the blogging more time consuming and this is why I feel this is actually about even.
Looking at all of this in summary I feel that the assignment has gone really well and that I have been able to show a wide range of skills. I feel I have been able to learn the mandatory requirements well and then give myself time to look around the subject to go over and above the mandatory requirements. I feel my blog reflects the work I have undertaken and the time I have put into this assignment overall. If I was to undertake this task again I think I would do more planning. I felt I overlooked this at the very beginning as I was too keen to get started but actually I think my life could have been made much easier if I was to have undertaken extensive planning. The beginning of the assignment was the most important for decision making and I feel the decisions I made on the design and concept could have been improved if I thought past the first stage. I feel my planning mainly looked at the Photoshop element when ideally I should have planned for all three elements to make sure it was a feasible idea. I feel I managed to work around this well however I could have made my own life easier if I had of thought about this sooner.
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