Sunday, 4 May 2014

Overall References

Now that I have finished all three elements of this assignment I decided that it would be a good idea to go back and make reference to all of the sources I have used. I have done this at the various points throughout my project however it makes more sense to summarise these in one single post. I am going to split this blog post up into three sections and then add the image and the reference to each.

I am going to start with Photoshop. I think I used the most sources for this element. All of the sources and references can be seen below:

1. Sourced: Accessed: 06/02/2014

4. Sourced: Accessed: 13/02/2014

5.  Sourced: Accessed: 21/02/2014.

6. Sourced: Accessed: 21/02/2014.

7. Sourced: Accessed: 24/02/2014

8. Sourced: Accessed: 20/02/2014.

9. Sourced: Accessed: 19/02/2014.

10. Sourced: Accessed 21/02/2014.

11. Sourced: Accessed: 24/02/2014

12. Sourced: Accessed: 21/02/2014

14. Sourced: Accessed 24/02/2014

The second element I am going to source is for Illustrator. All of the sources and references can be seen below, it is worth noting that some of these references are duplicated where I have used the same image as in the Photoshop element above. When using Illustrator I made my own images more than used internet sources.

1. Sourced: Accessed 21/02/2014.

2. Sourced: Accessed: 21/02/2014

 3. Sourced: Accessed: 21/02/2014

All of the other images used on this disk label were either created from scratch myself or have been edited and adapted in Photoshop and hence these images are hence references above.

The third element I am going to source is for Premiere. All of the sources and references can be seen below:

The Other Woman: Sourced: Accessed: 13/04/2014.

Friends With Benefits - Stay Friends: Sourced: Accessed: 13/04/2014.

 Midnight In Paris Trailer: Sourced: Accessed: 13/04/2014.

New York City Vacation Guide: Sourced: Accessed: 13/04/2014. (This video was too large to upload)

Sex And The City 2 Trailer: Sourced: Accessed: 13/04/2014.

At this point it is worth noting that this blog post is for reference only, I have sourced and referenced all of these features at the relevant places throughout this assignment, this is simply a recap of all of my sources as a double up.

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