Thursday, 13 February 2014

Photoshop - Moral And Ethical Issues Of Photoshop

Moral And Ethical Issues Of Photoshop
Although Photoshop has many advanced and impressive features it can cause high levels of controversy due to the way the Media use it. It is used heavily within the Media industry to edit and perfect images. People tend to have their own opinion on whether Photoshop editing is morally and ethically correct and I feel it is definitely a matter of opinion rather than being simply right or wrong. The levels in which Photoshop is used tend to influence a persons opinion. For example, I personally don't feel that a small amount of editing or perfecting of an image using Photoshop is morally wrong however if the image is edited and perfected too an extreme I feel this is wrong. This type of editing has become an issue with the lives of our young people with young girls trying to look like those in magazines, these type of images which have been edited and are hence unrealistic. Below I have attached part of an article about the morals and ethics of photoshop. I personally feel I can relate to what is being said. We should not worry about perfecting ourselves in images however we do whatever makes us feel most comfortable and if that means a little editing then so be it! What we Photoshop and to what extreme is our own personal choice and therefore I feel that we should accept and appreciate all sides of the argument. We should all be happy within our own skin and those who feel images shouldn't be edited have every right to feel that way however I also see the other side of the story and for those people who feel a little perfecting is needed to make them feel comfortable over a picture then I stand by this also.

'So, knowing our culture is becoming very materialistic, including over ourselves, we could say we are a possession to be polished. Can we accept a photo of ourselves, or others that embraces our flaws? Photoshop is a very tempting and easy way to quickly brush out those little flaws. What happens in real life? Who wants to waste a precious minute of life worrying about a wrinkle? Getting another one thinking about it?
Therefore, I deftly brush aside all worried and fears about PS. For now. Its just a little cover up, a little enhancer we use for special occasions, like when we decide THIS photo is going to be enlarged for grandma. Who doesn’t care anyway, and loves us no matter what. SO WHY? Again, why?
This draws me back to photographing children, who love themselves no matter what. Who we love no matter what. Who we love with dribble on their chins. With cuts and bruises. With tears.
Our bodies give us clues about our environment, our lifestyles and our health. Dark circles under eyes mean need of more sleep, more water (8-10 glasses everyone!) and less over loading the kidneys with sugar etc. Pimples just mean our skin is getting dirt trapped in it-pollution, touching it, hormones. Rolls of extra weight-tv, inactivity, insulation. Babies have it, but we usually know its diet related.
Our bodies remind us we’re human. We’re experiencing time. They remind us of the choices we’ve made. Sometimes, seeing evidence reminds us of our choices, and that’s not always fun. PS can help take the stress of guilt and remember and aspire to the best we can be.
So lets be nice to ourselves, and use PS to that effect, knowing the message is there, and the changes we make remind us of the best we are.' - Accessed 13/02/2014

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