Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Premiere - Changes After Exporting

When I thought I was in a place were I was happy with my final trailer I exported this to see how it played on the given media player. I was then able to look at my trailer much better to see any room for improvements.

After viewing my exported draft of my DVD trailer I found two areas which I felt required attention. These were a transition towards the middle of the trailer and the majority of the title clips except the rolling title and the cinema date at the end of the trailer. From this I was then able to open up my Premiere project and play around with these aspects again.
After playing with the transitions which is in place between the Housekeeper and HusbandAndBrother clips I decided that it might not actually be the transition which is the problem. I think I trimmed the clip too much which left some of her speech cut off. This was causing this aspect to both look and sound funny. I trimmed this clip again to make sure the clip started just before she began speaking. I then decided to change the transition which was on this clip to Cross Dissolve. I finally moved this transition back into the previous clip more so that the transition didn't take over what the actor was saying. This can be seen below.

I then felt that the titles were really hard to read. I was surprised with this aspect as in the preview screen I was really happy with the way these looked however on the bigger screen these looked stretched and unprofessional. The colours I had chosen to use also didn't really work together and hence I was then able to change these. I decided to use a black Outer Stroke as this made the title stand out. I then adjusted the width of the text to make it narrower and finally the overall size so that it wasn't quite so prominent on the screen. These changes made the title screens look more professional and also a lot easier to read.
Once I had made these changes I then needed to export for a second time, to do this I simply followed the exact same steps which I had the first time. All of this can be seen in the previous blog post.

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