Thursday, 10 April 2014

Premiere - Exporting

An aspect which I wanted to play around with before starting my DVD trailer was exporting Premiere sequences. This is an aspect which has to be undertaken to submit my trailer. To hit the mandatory requirements my trailer has to be exported to a Quicktime Movie using the DV Codec. As I have been playing around with Premiere using random clips I decided I would simply export this just to get myself used to how this works. So to export this movie I used the File, Export and Media options. This shows the below dialog box:

As you can see from this the default export settings are already at Quicktime and DV PAL. I used the scale to fit screen scaling settings as this didn't stretch my movie and lose its quality. I left all of the other settings as their default as these were all fine for my particular movie. The only option I did change was in the bottom section where you can find four tick boxes. I ticked the Use Previews option. This simply means that when I have rendered my movie in the making Premiere will use these previews instead of starting again, this simply speeds up the process. When I come to export my final movie I will probably not use this setting as I want my movie to be exported as well as possible. I then simply selected the Export button and my movie was then saved to the given folder as a Quicktime movie.

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