Thursday, 17 April 2014

Premiere - First Stages Of Creation

Now that I have my sequence set up it was time to start the first stages of my DVD trailer. With my sequence now open I decided to add Bins in the Project Tab. These bins are folders to you and I but in premiere for some bizarre reason they are known as Bins. Bins are highly important as they allow me to organise and structure my clips and audio files. To create a new bin you simply right click in the Project file panel and select New Bin. Both of these elements can be seen below.

For my assignment I added 5 different Bins. I then gave these suitable names. These are as follows: Clips, Colour Matte, Sequence, Source and finally Title. These are the main five elements for my timeline. With these bins added I was then able to place my ready made sequence into the sequence bin. This can be seen below.

With all of this now set up I needed to import all of the clips which I wanted to use for my DVD trailer. To do this I right clicked in the Project panel in the same way that I did to add new bins however instead of selecting New Bin I selected Import. A dialog box then appears which lets you search your files until you find the clip required. This can be seen below.

I used this path to import all of my source clips. When these were imported I was then able to click and drag them into my sources bin which can be seen below. This was to organise my clips to make it easier if and when I want to come back to find it at a later date.

With my source clips imported and my bins created I was now able to start trimming and adding clips to my timeline. This will follow in my next blog post.                

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