Saturday, 15 March 2014

Evaulation - Week 6 Lecturer Review

As the second stage of this review week I was able to discuss my progress and gain feedback from my lecturer, Jamie. We began by looking at my Photoshop work. Jamie could see from my Peer feedback sheets that I had achieved all of the mandatory features. He then went straight on to give me comments on areas which I could improve my work. The first area which Jamie picked up on was the blurb on the back cover of my inlay. After reading this area he said that what I had was really good however the font which I had used made it slightly difficult to read. This was an issue as the font was used throughout my assignment and was hence consistent. This is something I will look into and try different fonts and then make a decision as to whether I leave this or change this aspect.

The second comment Jamie gave me was the fact that I had no legal information on my DVD. This is something I knew very little about and hence I will need to look into this before implementing. I will be adding this aspect to the back cover of my DVD inlay at a later stage. The final comment Jamie made was in relation to the actors on the front of my inlay. He said that they looked like they were slightly floating. This is something which I had noticed but not really paid much attention too. I like the way the actors look and hence I will simply need to justify why I have chosen to leave them as they are. This will be information to follow in my evaluation.

After gathering my feedback for the Photoshop element we began to look at the Illustrator side. Jamie had already looked through my blog and see my previous design ideas, he commented on the fact that he liked my other design and suggested that I could try to incorporate this into my final design somehow. This is something which I also really liked and I will try to play around with this feature again at a later stage in the project. Jamie noticed how I had used Bitmap images for all of my ratings and logos which I had placed on my disk. These were slightly pixelated and hence he suggested that I try searching for vector logos using a SVG file type as these would compliment my design better.
The final piece of feedback which I received from Jamie was to add some legal information to my disk like I also need to add to my inlay. I thought I could use a text wrap to achieve this and hence this would hit two pieces of criteria in one.

Overall I feel receiving this feedback has made me more confident about what I have already achieved but it has also given me areas for improvement. The legal information in particular was something which I hadn't even thought of and hence this is something which I would have missed out if I hadn't of received this feedback. I hope to work on all of the feedback which I have received both in peer and lecturer form over the next few weeks and then create a blog post which looks at what I have changed based on this and what I have decided I will retain.

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